Contact Equity 1031 Exchange

Speak 1:1 with a 1031 Exchange Specialist

What you can expect during your call:

  • Get all your 1031 exchange questions answered

  • Tell us about your investment property, goals, and timelines to evaluate your options

  • Receive insight and education from our experienced 1031 exchange team on how to potentially save thousands in capital gains tax

Get In Touch

Phone: 239-333-1031

Address: 15671 San Carlos Blvd #101, Fort Myers, FL 33908

If you have an immediate question or would like a member of our team to reach out to you, give us a call or submit the form below and we will be in contact with you shortly!

Please note: you must set up your exchange before closing on your property. We request three to five business days to set up a Standard Exchange. Contact Equity 1031 Exchange for timelines on setting up a Reverse or Improvement Exchange.

Contact Equity 1031 Exchange